Sunday, January 29, 2012

their song.

A while back, Landry was playing music on the i-pod and told Corey she wanted him to hold her and dance. So, he obliged as always. They happened to be dancing to Taylor Swift's song "Tim McGraw". Well, from that point on Landry refers to that song as "their song". She will search through the songs to find it, touch play and say, "Daddy, I found our song!" Then they dance. It certainly isn't a father/daughter song but now, every time I hear that song I think of Landry and Corey. It is their song.

Corey and Landry dancing to their song.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

long time coming.

The kids have been asking for a puppy for a long, long time. And, Corey and I have had a lot of excuses as to why we need to wait. Cannon asked for one for Christmas. He fully expected one. Well, Santa couldn't find the perfect dog in time so he left a note explaining that their puppy would be ready to leave his/her mommy sometime in January. We were thankful Santa bought us a little time. The letter bought us time and left the kids happy and no one was disappointed. So, Saturday Santa happened to call us to tell us where to find the puppy who was now "ready to leave his/her mommy". The kids were so surprised and thrilled. All three are being so good with this little girl. Cade is in charge of poop clean up. Cannon is in charge of pee clean up. And Landry is in charge of random messes that might occur. Our only problems are deciding her name and explaining to Landry several times a day why a dog can't have a bath She is so sweet and cuddly and I am certain she will be named soon. Hopefully today.

Friday, December 2, 2011

bert and ernie.

It finally dawned on Corey and I a few months ago that I had in fact given birth to Bert and Ernie. Anyone who knows our two boys knows immediately which one is Bert and which one is Ernie. 

My lil' Bert is 7 1/2.

My lil' Ernie is 5 1/2.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

two monkeys.

two little monkeys jumping on the bed....

one named Jack
one named Landry
both four
both best of friends when the big boys aren't around
both simply adorable

Thursday, September 8, 2011

new beginnings.

For the sake of blogging, let's pretend it is... ah, let's see, how about September 8th. This is the first year all three of my babies are going to school.  

Cade has started second grade. 

My baby boy started kindergarten.

And, our lil' sweetie started preschool. 

Cade is liking school as much as Cade can. He is still a man of few words and let's just say, he doesn't have a love of school. "The school day is just too long" as he puts it. I love the fact that I am teaching second grade 2 days a week and an right across the hall from The Cadenator. I also love the fact that Cannon is right down the hall. It does my heart good. It doesn't do my heart good every. single. morning hearing Cannon cry about not wanting to go to school because he misses me. And Landry is as happy as a doodlebug. And why wouldn't she be since her #1 girl in the world, Ella, is in her class. These two girls lucked out since they are the only girls in a class of eight. They also lucked out getting the one and only Ms. Missy as their teacher.

Don't call it a comeback just yet. Who knows when I'll blog again. Writing this one is inspiring me to do a lot of catch up blogging. We'll see. Considering the way my house looks right now I have no business blogging but then again, if I sit here and blog I can put off a little longer the torturous task of cleaning up this pig sty we affectionately call home.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

heart break.

This one starts kindergarten in a few weeks

and my heart is breaking.

Monday, August 8, 2011

example #113.

Here is example #113 for ways to aggravate the  #%@* out of your little sister.
Simply "kidnap" the doll she happens to be playing with and quickly grab your mama's tape out of the drawer. Wrap the tape tightly around your hostage and the railing. It works like magic if your goal is to simply make your sister scream and cry. The above example of pestering is courtesy of Cade Lee.