A few random things 'round here lately:
I decided to fly a kite today with my children. It was extremely windy and the stupid string got wrapped around my earring unbeknownst to me as the kite was taking off. If that ever happens to you it just might make you yell something you shouldn't say in front of your children and neighbors. A lot of "Bleepity, bleep, bleepin'" at that moment.
I decided to fly a kite today with my children. It was extremely windy and the stupid string got wrapped around my earring unbeknownst to me as the kite was taking off. If that ever happens to you it just might make you yell something you shouldn't say in front of your children and neighbors. A lot of "Bleepity, bleep, bleepin'" at that moment.
Even though Toyota is under much scrutiny right now, their gas gauges are correct. Today I happened to look up and see that I had 3 miles until empty. Luckily the gas station was less than a mile away. If the kids weren't with me I might would have really tested out the accuracy to see just how far I could have gone. Truth is, this has happened to me a lot. Never 3 miles until empty but, a few times it has been 8. Kinda exciting in a lame kinda way.
Cade came home today and told me tell that 4 kids went home because of lice in his class and the main culprit (first one with it) sits right beside him.
I asked Landry if she wanted me to have another baby she said," No, I just want you to have a pig."
When we stopped by our condo that is being rented by 3 NCSU baseball players. Cannon said, "Who stays in that room?" I said,"His name is Drew." He said,"DREW BREES! Drew Brees stays in that room." I said, "No buddy, but that would be cool wouldn't it."
Today, Landry went with me to bible study. She was a little talkative at first and then she fell asleep. At first I was relieved that she fell asleep despite the fact that it was 11:30 in the morning. Then she began snoring. Very, very loud I might add. I tried positioning her at least ten different ways to see if it would quiet her. The ladies would laugh when she belted out a loud one. I would then apologize for my daughter who snores like a grown man.
i love those.. that made me laugh out loud!
Too funny.
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