Thursday, April 1, 2010


Cannon got the movie The Little Rascals for his birthday. The boys love it, especially Cade. We have even rented the old black and whites for them to watch. They think it is absolutely hilarious! Cade was literally falling out of the chair laughing at the old episodes. I found myself laughing at Cade's uncontrollable laughter. Cade remembers every little detail of everything he sees. I found this note on the chalkboard in the garage. He wrote what Alfalfa wrote to Darla in the movie except he changed the name to Cannon. He was probably mad at his brother when he wrote it. I love the spelling and how he gave himself a check and a smiley face.

"Dear Cannon, I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You're scum between my toes. Love, Cade."


Angela Standley said...

Too, too funny!

Rebecca said...

This makes me laugh! He is too funny!

Jodi Lowe said...

I am glad that Cannon likes the movie!!! And I am glad that Cade has learned some really cool words from that movie!!! You are welcome. I guess I need to buy that movie for my boys too!!!