Wednesday, September 1, 2010

preschool starts.

Cannon had his first day of preschool Tuesday. I was hoping he would be a little more excited about being in the four year old class with friends that he already knows but, he wasn't. According to him, four year old preschool is "dummy" and he already went to preschool last year which means he doesn't need to go this year. One little problem we have hopefully gotten straight is the clothes issue. Cannon, if he could, would wear Nike shorts and a superhero t-shirt every single day. So, I explained that I would choose his clothes for school but, he could wear what he wants to at home. He grumbled about his clothes the first two days. He wanted to change his outfit and was just in a bad mood by the time we got in the car. He told me he could get ready faster if he could just wear cool clothes. So tomorrow he can wear his Nike shorts and a shirt he chooses if they match. He has done well both days and is having fun with his friends.

Can't you tell he is so happy to be at school. Luckily, he was just fine and smiling by the time we got in the classroom (despite a brief hesitation to enter the room).

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