Thursday, September 8, 2011

new beginnings.

For the sake of blogging, let's pretend it is... ah, let's see, how about September 8th. This is the first year all three of my babies are going to school.  

Cade has started second grade. 

My baby boy started kindergarten.

And, our lil' sweetie started preschool. 

Cade is liking school as much as Cade can. He is still a man of few words and let's just say, he doesn't have a love of school. "The school day is just too long" as he puts it. I love the fact that I am teaching second grade 2 days a week and an right across the hall from The Cadenator. I also love the fact that Cannon is right down the hall. It does my heart good. It doesn't do my heart good every. single. morning hearing Cannon cry about not wanting to go to school because he misses me. And Landry is as happy as a doodlebug. And why wouldn't she be since her #1 girl in the world, Ella, is in her class. These two girls lucked out since they are the only girls in a class of eight. They also lucked out getting the one and only Ms. Missy as their teacher.

Don't call it a comeback just yet. Who knows when I'll blog again. Writing this one is inspiring me to do a lot of catch up blogging. We'll see. Considering the way my house looks right now I have no business blogging but then again, if I sit here and blog I can put off a little longer the torturous task of cleaning up this pig sty we affectionately call home.

1 comment:

Angela Standley said...

Glad you're back. My arms were getting tired from having to carry the family blogging torch all by myself for so long.